Meditation Music
Music is a powerful aid to meditation and relaxation. While much research continues on the human brain on different frequencies and beats, music still tends to be a very individual experience. J S Epperson has a very powerful instinct for music and I feature his music in all my classes. Check out preview of his music below. I strongly recommend that you try these three pieces and see which one works the best for you.
InsightI use this piece of relaxing music in my guided meditation piece that features breathing relaxation, guided visualization and loving, peace and kindness sections. The gentle music brings to mind a large blue lake… calm waters… gentle breeze… majestic green trees… open blue skies…
GammadroneThis is easily one of my favorite pieces. I imagine that I am in a remote Buddhist monastery among the Himalayas. I am in a large cold hall – warmed by a large fire. I sit around with monks… silent in prayer. I feel the warmth of the fire… I relax and enjoy the quiet.
If you like J S Epperson’s music, I strongly suggest you check out his website for more selections.