Some students are always surprised of the power of learning meditation and mindfulness as part of a group.
“I did not expect so much discussion and questions – I got very valuable perspectives from my class-mates” “I love the energy of the group – I am touched by the support and love I received” “I became aware of feelings of sadness . . . it just seemed to dissipate . . . almost healed by the presence of other class-mates” I teach meditation both one-on-one and as a group class. I always encourage my one-on-one coached students to attend group classes. While meditation is often performed on a regular basis as “alone” time, many students have found the experience to be very powerful when they attend a group class. Here are three common reasons why group meditation classes may be right for you. 1) Transformative Learning Transformational learning (attributed to Jack Meizrow) is defined as learning that induces more far-reaching change in the learner than other kinds of learning, especially learning experiences which shape the learner and produce a significant impact, or paradigm shift, which affects the learner's subsequent experiences. An important part of group learning involves discussion, journal writing and sharing of experiences. In my group classes, I encourage students to share their feelings, experiences and thoughts. Of course, we all respect your privacy and let you decide what your comfort zone is. 2) Awareness Of Learning Styles I remind students that each of us has a unique style to center ourselves. Even with a simple technique such as breathing awareness, it is amazing how different it is for many people. For some of my students, it is a powerful visualizing experience; some can literally hear their breathing and others can feel the breath in the nostrils or through their chest. Group discussions of experiences helps students realize that the individuality of their learning and awareness method. 3) It's OK To Have A Different Experience There are three common levels of meditation experience. Some students feel a slight buzz, a sense of relaxation, others fall into a very meditative state – an alert and alive feeling and at the third level, they appear to transcend their physical bodies and minds and have a feeling of largeness. It is not unusual to feel very sad, very joyous or have a similar strong emotional experience. Students learn to accept and respect whatever they experience and not judge it. Standard disclaimer – these group sessions are not meant to be professional therapy sessions. I encourage anyone with serious mental challenges such as depression, drug addictions and other challenges to work with a professional therapist or healthcare provider References